Monday 20 March 2017

A Critical Analysis of Emperor Emmanuel Sect

 A Critical Analysis of Emperor Emmanuel Sect
“The Church is a divine reality which has taken shape in history in interaction between the Christ event and a believing human community”[1] she is unique in her function and her endeavors and she is the true and real body of the Christ. She had been attacked by various external factors over many years. Recent years have witnessed the rise and the rapid growth of the numerous Pentecostal sects in India and the other parts of the world. “It is no secret that a large number of believers are leaving the church and other main line churches to join these sects. Reaction to this phenomenon has raged from fascination to consternation”[2].
Emperor Emmanuel Church is one of the protestant sects in India located at Muriyad in Thrissur district of Kerala state, India. It is an independent Church that believes only in the Word of God, the works of God and those sent by God. The face on the extreme right is not of Jesus, but of the Father, according to cult founder Joseph Ponnara. Formerly he was a school teacher. Most of members of this sect were the members of the charismatic prayer group. The teachings of the founder are not only dangerous but also filled with hate and revenge.
However like other sects they don’t reject Mother Mary rather they themselves have made a prayer equivalent to Hail Mary in the Catholic Church. It is as follows “Hail Mary full of God’s grace, the Lord is with us, Blessed are you among women and Blessed is the fruit of your womb Emmanuel. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us your children that we be filled with immeasurable Love, Power and Grace. Amen.” It is written by John Thachil Francis- one of the prominent followers of the sect.
In order to have an admission in this cult people have to renounce their wealth of any kind like property, jewelry and they have to surrender the cost of it with Ponnara. There are two priests and few nuns who have jointed this cult leaving the church. Joseph Ponnara projects himself as the end time’s prophet. They also have made a church like the arc of Noah to protect themselves from the dangers of the end of times. As per their teaching the arc they have made will remain just like the arc of Noah after the destruction. One who wants to join this cult has to withdraw the membership from the church and renounce their family, their spouse for the sake of Zion. Anyone who rejects the Zion is an agent of Satan. “No interpretations, no speculations Pure Scripture Pure Truth.” This is what Joseph Ponnara claims about all his teachings, and which John Thachil Francis. The so called “retreats” that he conducts is just like brain washing and propagation of wrong interpretation of the scripture which he claims to be the “revelation” from the God the father
This Church is also known as Zion. There are certain characteristics for this so called “Zion” community they are; they consider themselves as a community believes in Jesus Christ and his incarnation, evangelization, passion death and resurrection. Having received the salvation he gave 2000 years ago, this flock called Zion waits for him as a savior.  And it believes that Jesus Christ will come again in flesh and he will transfigure and take them to the Eternal City in the New Earth. They strongly believe in the Maranatta experience. Zion waits for Holy Mother who is the Mother of Wisdom and the Seat of the Life-giving Law and for the second Pentecost during which they would receive the full fruit of the Holy Spirit. Zion believes in the visit of God the father and the culmination of Zion with him. Zion claims to be a community which is taught by the Heavenly Father and Holy Wisdom, instructed by the Holy Spirit and led by the Sprit of Jesus Christ (Emmanuel) to the fullness of Truth (Word of God). Zion is that flock to which the mysteries of the Kingdom of God are revealed by the Heavenly Father. Zion can read and understand the signs of times. Zion claims to be a flock that renounces all sin and evil through the obedience to the Word of God and thus being trained to reach the holiness of God.
According to this sect God shows different signs as an indication of end of times and they also put forward such signs as they understand it as the signs from God. The rapid growth and progress of the science and technology is one of the signs from God and they prove it with the help of science itself. They say that if the speed of anything increases continuously, it will break down when it reaches to a certain limit. For them Tornadoes, excessive cloudbursts, rain of fire, famines, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis, the depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, the irrevocable changes in the climate, the depletion of underground water, cracks in the tectonic plates etc are all warnings of God the Father to the human beings. Practically all these things cannot be considered as a warning from God but merely it is the after effect of human interventions and exploitation. As per their understanding those who failed to perceive these signs rejects the Savior and those who receive it receives the savior and only those who have wisdom will be able to discern this signs. They claim that the true word of god had disappeared from the church therefore the people are not able to discern the truth as a result they understand the evil as good, good as evil light as darkness and vice versa. This is another sign from God for the end of the ages.  As they criticize technological developments in one hand, on the other hand they tell that T.V and internet are the mediums by which God shows his people the various signs that take place in the different parts of the world. As per their teaching, claim “On the basis of the Word of God” written in the Holy Bible, seven things must be completed before the End of Ages.
1. All human beings whom God, from the Beginning, destined to be born on this earth must be born (Acts 17/26-28, Is. 26/18-19).
2. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, must come in flesh again to this earth (Jn. 14/1-3).
3. Prophets must come to this earth again in order to pave the way for Jesus Christ (Is. 41/25-28, Zech. 4/5, Mt. 23/34).
4. The man of lawlessness, who is to become the Antichrist, must be born (2 These. 2/3-4).
5. The dead must resurrect (Dan. 12/2)
6. The Good News of the Third Kingdom of God must be preached all over the world as a testimony (Mt. 24/14).
7. The Son of God, Jesus Christ (Emmanuel) has to destroy all rule, power and authority and present the Kingdom to God the Father (1 Cor. 15/24).
As per their teachings the signs from God are the outcome of the love of God the father to the human kind to let know the human race about the end of the times. But to ‘see’ these signs we must know and believe in the Word of God written in the Holy Bible; we must have the Wisdom to know the true meaning of these Words of God and the willingness to subject ourselves to the Works of God; we must be able to discern those who are sent by God and receive them. As per their understanding all these signs have their base in the word of God. They also make clear criticism regarding philosophies. For them people of this era is blinded in their intellect therefore they understand the signs of times are natural phenomena. They believe in blind obedience rather than an obedience purified by the reason.
They have a fundamentalist view towards the science and its inventions. They introduce their followers about a god who is righteous and just rather a God of love and mercy. They have the understanding of a God who is in the Old Testament, who punishes the people for their wrong doings and still hide a face of God who is compassionate and loving. 

Nullification of this sect according to catholic teachings
According to Catholic teaching, “No new public revelation is to be expected before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ.”[3] Any spirit or teaching that contradicts Holy Scripture is in error. The spirit lead by this sect is error because it contradicts the teachings of scripture.
Interesting Observations:
In most of the cases they won’t teach in public rather they keep thing in dark.
They have the gospel of Enoch which is not the part of the catholic bible.
First they predicted the end of the world as 2012 later they shifted it to 2024.
They teach mostly the rich people not the poor.
Pathil, Kuncheriya. Indian Churches at the Cross Roads. Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1994.
Parathazham, Paul. Christianity in India: Sociological Investigations. Bangalore: Dharmaram publications, 2013.

[1] Indian churches at the cross roads, 1
[2] Christianity in India, 65
[3] 66


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you sir... For the compliment. I have made this research as the part of one of my seminars.

  2. Faith and Zion

    Zion is the Flock that has been chosen by God the Father before the creation of the world (Rom. 8/30). As the Flock that is destined to conform to the likeness of the Son of God (Eph. 1/4; Rom. 8/29), Zion says Amen to all the Written Word of God.

    Zion lives in a period (era) called TODAY (Heb. 3/13). From the Signs of the Times (Mt. 24/32-34) we realize that these are the last days. Zion is granted Ears by God the Father. The Good News of the Kingdom of God is given to those who have Ears (Mk. 4/9; Lk. 8/8; Rev. 2/7, Rev. 3/6, Rev. 13/9). Divine Wisdom is this Ear. This Ear gives the gift to discern the Voice of God from the voice of the world. Since Zion is gifted with the ability to discern the Voice of God and with a new heart to believe His Voice (Eze. 36/26), it has been led out by Emmanuel from the churches, where the Law reigns supreme (Jn. 10/4). This Flock is called to become perfect (Heb. 11/39-40) before all the Patriarchs, who were made righteous by God the Father, attain perfection. Now the Zion Flock has reached the desert of God experience. In other words, Zion is in the Second Exodus now. Zion, who has been promised a more beautiful inheritance than all other peoples (Jer. 3/19), owns a greater faith than all the others.

    What are the beliefs of Zion?

    Zion believes and proclaims the Good News that Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Only Saviour, has come again into this world in flesh (1 Jn. 4/2, Jer. 14/8-9). His Name is Emmanuel (Is. 7/14) and He will judge the world and fulfill the righteousness of God (Is. 42/2-4). Only a person, who has the Spirit of God the Father, can profess that Jesus Christ has come again in His Body (1 Jn. 4/2). When Jesus Christ came into this world 2000 years ago, He did not come with a body but He came as the Spirit of the Word of God (Lk. 1/28). Through the faith of Holy Mother, He put on flesh in Her womb (Jn. 1/14; Rom. 3/26). But He has come for the second time now after putting on Body (1 Jn. 4/2). Zion believes that He has established His Church of Light by bringing together all the Children of God, who are the Children of Light (1 The. 5/5) given to Him by God the Father before the creation of the world (Eph. 1/4; Jn. 6/39) who are His own brethren (Heb. 2/11) through His Spirit (Zec. 10/8-10; Eze. 36/24-27). Zion professes the faith that Emmanuel will come (reveal himself) as Saviour, King of Kings (Emperor) of the Kingdom of God to Zion (Is. 52/2; Is. 59/20; Heb. 9/28). Zion confesses that those who died believing in Him and His Life-giving Word (Jn. 6/63) of Eternal Life will resurrect and come with a heavenly body to Zion (1 The. 4/16). The remaining ones in Zion will be filled with Immeasurable Love, Grace and Power and will be transfigured into His likeness (1 The. 4/17; Phil. 3/20-21; 1 Cor. 15/52). Zion family believes that God the Father will come to visit His Children (Amo. 4/12, 1 Jn. 3/2). Zion hopes and believes that the Zion Flock will see God the Father as He is with their naked eyes and will become as He is (1 Jn. 3/2-3; 1 Cor. 13/12) when He comes to visit His Children. Zion believes that Emmanuel will put an end to all rules, powers and authority and will surrender the Kingdom to God the Father (1 Cor. 15/24). Zion professes that Emmanuel will take us along with Him to our real home, the heavenly Zion (Ps. 87/5; Phil. 3/20; Jn. 14/3), the Heavenly City we await (Heb. 11/10, Heb. 13/14, Rev. 22/19), the homes He has prepared for us (Jn. 14/2). Zion also believes that this earth and everything that was created and sustained by the Word of God will be completely annihilated when the Word of God is withdrawn from them (2 Pet. 3/10).

    1. dont interpret bible as you wish and want....

  3. Zion believes with great fervour that Holy Mother is the Mother of Holy Wisdom (Wis. 6/12; Wis. 8/4; Wis. 9/9), and it is through this Wisdom that we comprehend the true meaning of the Word and that the Word illumines. Zion confesses that Holy Mary is the Ambassador of the Father in all His redemptive works, and by living in Zion and making them of one mind, She will prepare Zion for the Second Pentecost (Bar. 3/37). It is Zion’s proclamation that until and unless one reaches Holy Mary, the Mother of all, the yoke that is placed on the children of Adam will not be destroyed (Sir. 40/1) and that the one who stands close to Her will be filled with the Life-giving Law and will become immortal (Bar. 4/1).

    Zion believes in all the Divine Mysteries written in the Holy Scriptures about Jesus Christ and all the redemptive works He fulfilled in His First Coming and will fulfill in His Second Coming. Zion believes in all the Word of God that are fulfilled and are being fulfilled and will be fulfilled. Zion believes in all the Works of God and in the One who is sent by God. All the Signs of the Times which are testimonies from the Father, are accepted by Zion (Lk. 24/44-46). Zion flock’s hearts burn when they hear the Word of God. Only the hearts of those who believe and are opened will burn with fervour and only if the mind is opened by the Son of God one can comprehend and believe in the Word of God (Lk. 24/32, Lk. 24/45). Zion believes that Power is there in the Word of God (Mk. 12/24).

    Zion confesses that all the dominion and glory that God the Father had given to His Children in the Garden of Eden will be reinstated (Jer. 29/11-14). Jesus Christ, after cursing the fig tree for not being fruitful, proclaims that His disciples will do a great act than that through their faith (Mt. 21/18-22). Zion believes that the Children of God can make all the fruit trees to produce fruits at all times, through the reinstatement of this glory (fortune). Zion believes that a mountain, where they live, will be ordered to move and be placed in the sea. Zion believes that it was a prophecy by Jesus Christ. To Zion flock, who have been experiencing the power of the Word of God, believing in this act is not a problem.

    Zion believes that just as Enoch (Gen. 5/4) and Elijah (2 Kin. 2/11) were taken up without experiencing death, Zion Flock also will be taken up into Heaven without tasting death. Carrying the body of Moses after his death was a token act of the resurrection of the Children of God (Jud. 1/9). When Jesus Christ transfigured on Mount Tabor, one of those who were taken up into Heaven alive (Elijah) and one who was given resurrection (Moses) were brought down.

    Zion confesses that all the Zion flock will be safely protected for the salvation prepared to be revealed at the Last Days – Today – through this same faith by the Power of God (1 Pet. 1/5). Zion believes that this faith will be tested and the Zion flock that withstand these tests will receive the praise of Emmanuel who will reveal Himself with His glory (1 Pet. 1/7).

    So, not straying away from the hope the Good News gives, Zion stays firm and with convictions in the faith (Col. 1/23).

    Zion confesses both the Creeds.


    I believe in my Father, Holy and the Lord of Heaven and earth. I believe in His only Son, Emmanuel, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Saviour who has come to this world again in flesh as the Son of Man. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Helper, who teaches and reminds us everythig. I believe in the most Holy Virgin Mary, Eternal and our Mother and the Mother of sublime love, devotion, Wisdom and sacred hope. I believe in the Spirit of Truth who leads us to the fullness of Truth by revealing us the things to come. I believe in the Spirit of Holy Wisdom. I believe in the Word of Truth, the coming of the True Prophets, and the Church of the Light. I believe in the immeasurable love, immeasurable power and immeasurable grace that we are about to receive at His Son’s Glorious Manifestation. I believe in the End of age, the transfiguration of the body and the new Heaven and new Earth where Righteousness abides. I believe in the Eternal City the Father has prepared, the righteous Final Judgment and Eternal Life with the Father. Amen

    1. from the very creed it is clear that you dont have an identity of your own because the creed what you follow is the other version of catholic one. you have made used the catholic creed or apostolic creed as the base for making your own.

    2. use your senses and understand the reality...

    3. I believe in the zion creed

  5. About Zion

    Emperor Emmanuel Church is an independent Church that believes only in the Word of God, the works of God and those sent by God. This Church is also known as Zion. Zion is a community that believes in Jesus Christ who took flesh from Holy Mother, was born two thousand years ago, preached the Kingdom of God, died on the cross, rose from the dead, and who procured forgiveness of sin for the children of God. Having received the salvation he gave 2000 years ago, this flock called Zion waits for him as a saviour. Zion is the little flock that believes that Jesus Christ has come again in flesh, his true name is Emmanuel and that he will transfigure and take them to the Eternal City in the New Earth. Therefore, Zion stays away from all evils and removes all idols from her heart and awaits his glorious manifestation. Zion believes that God the Father will come to visit them and when He comes, they will become like Him and so they eagerly wait for Him. Zion is the flock that waits for Holy Mother who is the Mother of Wisdom and the Seat of the Life-giving Law and for the second Pentecost during which they would receive the full fruit of the Holy Spirit.

    Zion is that community which is taught by the Heavenly Father and Holy Wisdom, instructed by the Holy Spirit and led by the Sprit of Jesus Christ (Emmanuel) to the fullness of Truth (Word of God). Emperor Emmanuel Church is the Church of Light established on the Rock (Emmanuel) against which evil does not prevail. Zion is that flock to which the mysteries of the Kingdom of God are revealed by the Heavenly Father. Zion is that flock who can read and understand the signs of times and who are gathered from the four ends of the world in the name of Emmanuel. Zion is that flock that renounces all sin and evil through the obedience to the Word of God and thus being trained to reach the holiness of God. Emperor Emmanuel Church is that flock blessed by God to live with Jesus Christ and Holy Mother and to receive the inheritance more sublime than given to any people. With great devotion and love, Zion calls God the Father, my Father (Jer 3:19).

    Emperor Emmanuel Church is located at Muriyad in Thrissur district of Kerala state, India. This Church consists of 80 local fellowships in Kerala as well as other states such as Karnataka, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Puducherry, etc. Emperor Emmanuel has overseas fellowships in places like Australia, the UK, the USA, Ireland, Italy and the Gulf countries such as Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, etc.

    Emperor Emmanuel Church,
    Zion, Muriyad P.O.
    Thrissur, Kerala

    Landline: 0480-2882800
    Mobile: +91 9995643333

    1. All falsehood being taught here(emperor emmanuel cult). Hate thy neighbour. If they are catholic, don't even talk or allow them to touch you. Especially catholic priests. Jesus walked with Sinners. Any sect of people who think they are better than the rest is flawed and must repent. Just read the New Testament. The Lord and Saviour says "Repent or Perish". Do not judge others, lest you may be judged. Pray for Mercy, Repent!

      There's even a video published by this emperor emmanuel cult which says Mother Mary is a 'co-saviour'. Be ashamed of this Blasphemy! There's only 1 Divine Saviour, 1 Divine Messiah - Jesus the Christ.

      Mother Mary is the Mother of God - Theotokos. The Ark of His Covenant. Do read Revelation Chapter 12.

      Pray to Mother Mary, she intercedes and reaches out to our Saviour. Remember the Wedding at Cana?

      Mother Mary wasn't Divine. She isn't God. God is 1(Father, Son, Holy Spirit - The Holy Trinity). She was crowned the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Do not commit blasphemies.

      Do not misinterpret and commit Blasphemies.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  8. Same like Balarama (a funny child magazine) stories

  9. Well written article, I propose some more learned faithful make a critical analysis of this cult and let the people understand that they are fooled with Bible Verses.

    1. thank you madam...
      i have written this as the part of my assignment during my philosophical studies.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. All Roman catholic churches in the world are filled with dark forces. Coz they are blessed with that pope Francis who says that big bang theory are real then who were Adam and eve in bible, Pope Francis says who am I to judge homosexuality if God has made them like that ( he can't say like that coz homosexuality is baddest sin in bible.
    Pope Francis says evolution is real ( non sense does he even read bible).
    And finally the Pope Francis is seen worshipping idols ( punchamama a nude pregnant woman statue) God says do not make any idols or worship them. This pope Francis is a beast 666. And has cursed all churches in the world, hence forth get out of catholic churches coz as written in revelation God has removed his authority from all the churches.
    Pope Francis antichrist

  14. Take time to reflect on the Bible. Let not Bible mislead you according to your 'convenience of beliefs'. May Baby Jesus help you to find Word of God relevant to our times.

  15. What's the name of father god that they used to reveal to their choosen people?

  16. All falsehood being taught here. Hate thy neighbour. If they are catholic, don't even talk or allow them to touch you. Especially catholic priests. Jesus walked with Sinners. Any sect of people who think they are better than the rest is flawed and must repent. Just read the New Testament. The Lord and Saviour says "Repent or Perish". Do not judge others, lest you may be judged. Pray for Mercy, Repent!

    There's even a video published by this emperor emmanuel cult which says Mother Mary is a 'co-saviour'. Be ashamed of this Blasphemy! There's only 1 Divine Saviour, 1 Divine Messiah - Jesus the Christ.

    Mother Mary is the Mother of God - Theotokos. The Ark of His Covenant. Do read Revelation Chapter 12.

    Pray to Mother Mary, she intercedes and reaches out to our Saviour. Remember the Wedding at Cana?

    Mother Mary wasn't Divine. She isn't God. God is 1(Father, Son, Holy Spirit - The Holy Trinity). She was crowned the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Do not commit blasphemies.

    Do not misinterpret and commit Blasphemies.
